Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Please Help Me

Hey Guys~

I know I don’t get a lot of traffic through here but I’m in a bit of a tough situation financially and if you could, please take a look at my gofundme page. I need to come up with $1000 in the next month to secure my wedding venue and I can’t do it alone. I’ve set up a gofundme page and if you could please donate, whatever you can, it would be greatly appreciated! Even $1 is a step in the right direction and I’m offering some pretty awesome prizes if you donate. . . everything from drawings to jewelry to hand painted housewares! I wouldn’t ask for help if I didn’t really, truly, genuinely need it so please, even if you don’t donate, could you help spread the word to more people who might?

http://www.gofundme.com/ciz7zg is my campaign. Please help me out!